About Us

The United Broiler Raisers Association (UBRA) is a non-stock, non-profit association of mainly small and medium scale poultry producers. From a small group of producers hastily gathered in the midst of an immense crisis in late 1999 up to the 1st semester of 2000, it was formally established and registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission in July 2000.
UBRA was an organized response to the threat not only of rampant smuggling, both outright and technical, but also the severe damage caused by leg imports entering our shores under the banner of free and liberalized trade. When the Philippines joined the World Trade Organization (WTO), our trade negotiators failed to consider the trade distorting effects of the heavy subsidies provided by governments to their agricultural sector. These subsidies enabled both the smuggling and dumping of chicken products especially chicken leg quarters (CLQ). Considered then as cheap by-products in developed countries (i.e. white breast meat were preferred), CLQs aggravated the already unfair trade situation which the threat together with the strong and timely support of the Department of Agriculture saved the industry from impending demise.
UBRA has a current nationwide membership of 48 mainly small-and-medium sized poultry operations. UBRA’s goal is the promotion and advancement of the Philippine broiler industry. This goal is to be achieved through active linkage and lobbying with the Department fo Agriculture, Department of Trade and Industry, Congress, and timely involvement and participation in national livestock activities, linkage and information exchange with other national and foreign associations and interests; continuous information dissemination to members on all matters affecting their businesses, planning and development of undertakings to support and enhance the members’ operations; vigilance against threats to the local poultry industry, and all other activities to further promote and enhance the development of the poultry industry.